Did you ever wonder why your parcel takes so long to be delivered? Well, the delivery is a complex process, it requires many pieces of a system to work seamlessly and of course perfection can never be achieved, because of a disaster, or a blackout, or a system crash, or some self-important smartarse thinking they're so important and cannot be replaced... Which is pretty naive because they can. Even by robots.

You control a loader robot. The task is simple: they ask you for a specific crate, you take it to them. Every crate is labeled, so you shouldn't be confused, but keep in mind that color matters too. Robot controls are pretty sensitive, may require some time to get used to. Use arrows to move a robot and pick crates, Z then arrow to put a crate in a chosen direction. You can stack crates into towers of 3. Crates will come fast, so try not to get stuck under the "avalanche".


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145 points. Is that good for a first try?

I like the idea, but because the game always tries to spawn as close to the spawn points on the right as possible, it means you can, very early in the game, get stuck in a cycle of having a stack of two blocks one the spawn, needing the bottom one, picking up the one above to place elsewhere, ands by the time you've done that, it's respawned.

I think it might feel fairer if it explicitly looped which of the 3 points it was trying to spawn to each time. That way, if you clear a block near one, it won't get covered again until blocks have been placed for the other two. (Well, at least until they're *all* so surrounded that everything's in one big mass anyway, but that's the inevitable outcome regardless :) )

That’s a great first try! To be honest, this game can bore me out of my mind, and I tend to create games I want to play. Considering this and the questionable control scheme, finishing at all is an achievement! Congrats and thank you for that! :D

And thank you for the ideas! I remember rushing a lot, trying to get this game out on time for a game jam, so some questionable decisions were made. If I were remaking this game now, I would resort to a more casual approach where crates spawn in big bunches and player has some time to sort things out before orders start coming. Kind of what Wilmot’s Warehouse did, but a tad more challenging.